(Editorial Note: Talent Science Expert, Dr. Janice Presser, led our community through a week of memorable #TChat events focused on weathering today’s rough employment waters. She adds these parting insights – focused on trends that deserve additional thought by anyone who cares about carving out a career path – or creating new jobs – or hiring creatively. For a list of links to this week’s archived events and resources, look beneath Dr. Janice’s commentary. Thanks!)
I hope we can agree on one thing: unemployment isn’t good for anyone. It’s not just that idle hands are the devil’s workshop, but that long-term unemployment scares all of us, even the currently employed. And that fear erodes our engagement, reduces our productivity, and stifles our innovative spirit.
Entrepreneurs play a major part in driving innovation and a growing economy. According to a study by the Kauffman Foundation (the world’s largest non-profit foundation dedicated to the support of entrepreneurship), entrepreneurs and their startup teams are, and have been, the ONLY source of net new jobs in almost every year since 1977! (The chart below reveals how startups have consistently created new jobs, compared to existing organizations.)
Unfortunately, the balance between jobs disappearing and jobs being created is only part of the problem. Are you trapped in a job that you really don’t fit, or worse, trapped in one that makes you miserable? Without a vibrant job market, getting ‘stuck’ like this has become a serious problem.
My Advice
If you’re entrepreneurial, give your ideas a chance. Organizations that help start-ups are popping up everywhere. Find a way to ‘bootstrap’ your idea with the help of anyone who’s willing to help you – especially if they approach the challenge from directions you haven’t thought of yet.
If you’re in HR, please recognize that resumes are losing their relevance, and work requirements are being transformed. Look to the emerging field of Talent Science for alternatives. For most jobs, understanding how a person ‘teams’ with others is at least as important as current and past employment. (Have you noticed that 401k documents say something like ‘past performance is not a guarantee of future performance”? That’s because it isn’t.)
If you’re looking, resist the temptation to apply for jobs you know you are likely to hate. Take some time to learn how you really want to contribute to the mission of an organization. Then articulate the key points, and communicate them widely. Social media – it’s not just for socializing any more.
– @DrJanice
Speaking of social media – how did the TalentCulture community leverage social channels to address this issue throughout the past week? Check out the resources below:
#TChat Week-in-Review
Watch the #TChat Sneak Peek video now…
SUN 2/10
TalentCulture Founder, Meghan M. Biro outlined the need for smarter hiring strategies in her Forbes.com post: Four Reasons Leaders Hire in 3D.
G+ Hangout Video : Sneak peek interview with special #TChat guest Kevin Matuszak (@Tooozy ), who talks about his creative #HireKevin campaign to gain a position as the face of Applebee’s.
MON 2/11
#TChat preview post Narrowing the Unemployment Gaps outlined the week’s core theme and questions.
Listen to the radio show recording now…
TUE 2/12
#TChat Radio Show: Dr. Janice joined radio hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman to discuss core issues and opportunities in today’s job market – and how employers should rethink current recruiting practices for everyone’s benefit.
WED 2/13
#TChat Twitter : Dr. Janice and Kevin Matuszak were on hand again, as #TChat -ters gathered around the Twitter stream to share ideas and opinions about why companies should act more creatively in filling talent gaps, and what unemployed workers can do to move their professional agendas forward. To see highlights from yesterday’s #TChat Twitter forum, watch the Storify slideshow below.
#TChat INSIGHTS Slide Show: “Narrowing the Unemployment Gaps”
[javascript type=”text/javascript” src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights-narrowing-the-unemployment-gaps.js?template=slideshow”]
Closing Notes & Highlights Slideshow
SPECIAL THANKS: Another shout out to Dr. Janice Presser , CEO of The Gabriel Institute and architect of the underlying technology that powers Teamability ™, as well as Kevin Matuszak , the mastermind behind the viral #HireKevin job campaign. You both caused us to think more creatively and carefully about what matters in hiring decisions and processes.
NOTE TO BLOGGERS : Did this week’s events inspire you to write about hiring job trends, recruiting practices or other workplace issues? We’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (include #TChat or @TalentCulture ), or insert a comment below, and we’ll pass it along.
NEW LINKEDIN GROUP: Did you hear? We’ve expanded to LinkedIn! Come on over anytime to the TalentCulture – World of Work forum!
WHAT’S AHEAD : Next week – we’ll look at the human side of business through a different lens, as we examine the importance of “Brand Humanization – What, Why and How” on #TChat Radio , Tuesday, Feb 19, at 7:30pm ET and on #TChat Twitter Wednesday, Feb. 20, at 7pm ET. Look for details next Monday via @TalentCulture and #TChat .
Until then – we’ll see you on the stream!
Image Credit: Stock.xchn
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