“Talent is always conscious of its own abundance, and does not object to sharing.” —A. Solzhenitsyn
It was a full house last night in the TalentCulture community, as our #TChat Twitter forum celebrated two years of weekly chat events.
The celebration actually began on Tuesday night, with the return of #TChat Radio. Hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman discussed learning and social-media driven communities with three recognized #TChat contributors – ChinaGorman, Founder and CEO of CMG Group; Justin Mass, Learning, Technology and Design Manager at Adobe, and Vala Afshar, Chief Customer Officer and CMO at Enterasys.
This conversation extended to the #TChat Twitter community on Wednesday, as we shared stories about what originally attracted us to #TChat, and we discussed the value of being part of an online community. Personally, I believe that learning occurs in communities; the practice of learning is the participation in the community. Learning is the conversation between members of the community.
I can tell you that the stream activity was blazing so fast and furiously that we trended on Twitter! There were many great responses to this week’s questions, many of them personal. Following is just a representative sample …
(To see more complete highlights from the #TChat session, watch the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.)
FYI: A Note to Newcomers Are you new to TalentCulture? If so, you’re probably asking “What is #TChat?” It’s actually two valuable community resources available through a single Twitter hashtag. It’s both a weekly talent/career-oriented discussion forum, and it’s an “always on” knowledge-sharing channel. Both are freely available to anyone with a Twitter account. As founder @MeghanMBiro says, #TChat helps participants learn and grow personally and professionally. Why? “Because Community Matters!”
What attracts people to #TChat?
“This chat, more than any other, truly spans the world at work & shares a passion for making it great.” @AlliPolin
“Great info, embracing community, inspiring leading and learning.” @TranslationLady
“I started about a year ago and developed my own community out of the experience to pay it forward.” @gingerconsult
What is the value of online learning communities?
“The power of online communities is the diversity of knowledge, experience and values. Communities are force multipliers.” @ValaAfshar
“The value lies in the diversity of ideas and practices all in one congenial environment.” @EnZzzoo
“The strength of your network has never been a more important resource to draw from.” @jmass
“Online learning communities are made up of professional colleagues that share & challenge = amazing learning.” @AlliPolin
“Online learning communities allow professionals to interact with each other no matter the distance or time zone.” @MZProhov
Why should you join #TChat on Wednesday nights?
“This is a true community that inspires conversation & thought. More like friends than strangers.” @GabieKur
“I started to make more smart friends in our space. Simple. Follow the brilliance!” @ChinaGorman
“#TChat is a learning-living platform. Community of insight, exploration, answers + growth.” @justcoachit
“Some of the best hearts and minds are freely sharing transformational insights online.” @ReCenterMoment
“The best part of #tchat is that you know you aren’t alone… others know exactly how you feel and share solutions.” @DawnRasmussen
Ultimately, a community is only as viable as its participants. We value the thousands of smart, supportive business professionals who have contributed to TalentCulture. As long as you continue to show up at #TChat, this community will continue to be a source of inspiration, insight and support for us all. I’ll be there. I hope to see you, too, as we continue to tackle timely and important topics affecting today’s World of Work.
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NOTE: To see complete highlights from yesterday’s “communities and learning” #TChat anniversary session, see the Storify slideshow at the end of this post.
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Closing Notes & Highlights Slideshow
Did you miss the #TChat preview? Look here.
SPECIAL THANKS to this week’s inaugural #TChat Radio guests – who bring depth, humor and relevance to everything they touch. ChinaGorman, Justin Mass, Vala Afshar: you are a TalentCulture dream team.
NOTE TO BLOGGERS: If this #TChat session inspired you to write about social learning or the value of online communities, we’re happy to share your thoughts. Just post a link on Twitter (at #TChat or @TalentCulture), or insert a comment below, and we’ll add it to our archives. There are many voices in the #TChat community, with many ideas worth sharing. Let’s capture as many of them as possible.
WHAT’S AHEAD: You’ll want to make time for next week’s double feature! It’s all about productivity, prioritizing, and time management in today’s active World of Work. Tune in to #TChat Radio on Tuesday, Dec 4 at 7:30pm ET, when work/life experts Judy Martin and Cali Williams Yost talk with Kevin and Meghan. Then join the #TChat Twitter discussion on Wednesday, Dec 5, 7-8pm ET to share your ideas and opinions. Look for a full preview early next week via @TalentCulture and #TChat. Thanks!
Image credit: tijmen at stock.xchng
#TChat INSIGHTS Slide Show: Social Learning and Online Communities
[javascript src=”//storify.com/TalentCulture/tchat-insights-happy-2-year-chat-anniversary.js?template=slideshow”]
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