Why do employees leave a job? Do they leave because they have issues with their managers, or are they unhappy with the benefits their employer offers? Or is it a disconnect between their values and the corporate culture? It’s important to understand the reasons people are leaving because, as you know, whenever you need to replace an employee, it costs your business money—and time.
There are plenty of jobs in today’s marketplace, but recruiters aren’t always able to find the talent to fill those positions. Today, when it comes to recruitment, competition is fierce, and job candidates often have the upper hand. These prospective employees can choose organizations that demonstrate corporate values in line with those they hold and to decide to work in businesses where they know they will feel valued. For these reasons, it’s essential you learn how to keep the talent you have both happy and engaged in their jobs.
According to the Gallup study, State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders, one in two respondents reported having left a job to get away from their manager at some point in their career. No matter how certain you are of your own management style, and that of your company’s leadership, when employees leave—or talk about quitting—you need to stop and take a minute to look at yourself and your managers. Ask yourself: What can we do to retain the employees we want and need to run this business? And, where do we start?
Analyze the Data
Begin by analyzing the data. Successful organizations scrutinize the information to understand why a person has left one job for another, and more importantly, why others are content to stay. These same businesses review every aspect of what the company is doing well and where there is a need for improvement. And, they are learning both how to increase employee engagement and what it will take to keep their workers happy in the workplace.
Understanding how to retain your existing workforce, increase engagement, and attract top talent in today’s competitive marketplace is vital to growing your business. Need help? Plan to attend the upcoming webinar, 6 Tips to Harness Data and Keep Your Talent.
6 Tips to Harness Data and Keep Your Talent, will teach you how to collect the data that will show you why employees quit and how to understand the analytics so you can read the results of what you collect. You will also learn how to grasp this data and research to form a solid, actionable, and lasting strategy to decrease turnover and improve retention and commitment. You’ll learn how to improve employee engagement and create a better work environment, and how to boost retention by analyzing the data you are collecting.
There are familiar touchpoints, or sets of experiences, that become the foundation of employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. These touchpoints can include everything from verbal and written communications to workplace design, benefits and policies and daily interactions with managers.
Join Meghan M. Biro, CEO of TalentCulture and Megan Maslanka, Director of Client Success at Quantum Workplace, for 6 Tips to Harness Data and Keep Your Talent. Meghan and Megan will show you how to retain the talent you have and hire the talent you want all by collecting the right data, understanding what it is telling you, and recognizing each of those important touchpoints.
If you are in human resources, are a hiring manager, or the owner of a company, you don’t want to miss this webinar. Please register here for 6 Tips to Harness Data and Keep Your Talent on June 6, 2017, at 10 AM PST | 1 PM EST. You will hear innovative and best practices to work with data and analytics and keep your talent. You can’t afford to miss this one!
This post is sponsored by Quantum Workplace
Photo Credit: Lazlo Woodbine Flickr via Compfight cc
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