The “Be Different Or Be Dead” Show
Have you ever thought about what it truly means to “be different”? To look past the norm, to think and behave differently from the rest, without any fear of transgression. Some of our greatest innovators have not only been different, they’ve never let their haters get the best of them and leave them for dead. This week, #TChat was joined by: Roy Osing, a leading executive in Canadian business and a recognized blogger, speaker, seminar leader, business advisor, educator and personal coach; and Melany Hellstern, founder and president of Both shared with our community was it means to truly be different or be dead.
Unfortunately, not everyone can take a step back and ponder over why their organization lacks the innovation and creativity it needs to be successful in a highly competitive global market or how to bring the best out of their employees. The secrets of the universe don’t just reveal themselves so easily. As Roy Osing mentioned:
It’s when we start asking, “How can we be different?” that we begin to plant the seeds of innovation and creativity. Both leaders and employees need to understand that in order to let innovation and creativity flourish and grow, we must begin to think differently. We cannot become complacent with our success or allow ourselves to place a mental roadblock on our creativity. We must:
Whether you are a leader or an employee, you need to ask yourself questions. These questions must challenge your comprehension of why certain formalities exist within your organization. These questions must push you towards driving an outcome that resets these formalities that have become considered norms, which can hold back innovation and creativity, and leave both for dead. When this happens, there are opportunities being missed. As Roy mentioned to me:
Roy hit us with an insight bullseye. Individuals are the source of opportunity. When people start asking questions, they start to become different, and they realize there’s an opportunity being missed. If organizations plan on remaining competitive and not left for dead, they have to know:
Organizations that empower their employees, and not only keep them engaged, will have active participants that drive organizational innovation and creativity, and ultimately, its success. Being different is not just about driving innovation and creativity, it’s about keeping your organization from being left for dead, on multiple levels.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Authenticity Is An Inside Job That Starts With Self” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guests (add guests, and twitter links). Click here to see the preview and related reading.
Note To Bloggers: Did this week’s events prompt you to write about trends on differentiation?
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Attention #TChat Participants:
There will not be a #TChat event next week so that our TalentCulture Community, #TChat guests and #TChat participants can enjoy the Fourth of July Holiday week with their family and friends!
The TalentCulture conversation continues daily on #TChat Twitter, in our LinkedIn group , and on our new Google+ community . So join us anytime on your favorite social channels!
photo credit: paolo.rally via photopin cc
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