Originally posted by Matt Charney, one of #TChat’s moderators, on MonsterThinking Blog
The more the candidate sourcing and selection process changes, with the vast evolutions in the tools and technologies employers use to find and engage talent, the more the interview process, the most integral and involved component of the hiring process, stays the same.
This is too bad, really, considering the crucial role interviews play in talent selection. No hiring manager’s ever made a decision based on a cleverly sourced candidate. They care about whether or not this potential new coworker is going to get along, help the team, and be the kind of person they want to spend the majority of their waking life with.
By the time you get to an interview, generally, you’ve ostensibly got the skills on paper to play the part. But obviously, a resume doesn’t tell the entire story, and if it did, this whole recruiting thing would be a whole lot easier. After all, the best candidate isn’t always the most qualified. An interview’s not about asking questions; it’s about finding fit.
And while recruitment has progressed from the transactional back offices of “Personnel” to the strategic front lines of talent acquisition, while social media proliferates and job seekers become increasingly savvy, interviewing looks a lot like it always has: questions, answers, and a lot of reading between the lines.
This week’s #TChat, “The Psychology and Influence of Interviews,” will explore the implications of technology, the economy and the constantly changing tides of talent supply and demand on interviewing best practices on both sides of the table.
The Psychology and Influence of Interviews: #TChat Questions and Recommended Reading (04.19.11)
Join us on Twitter for #TChat tonight at 8:00 ET/5:00 PT as employers, recruiters, job seekers and thought leaders weigh in on what it takes to stand out from the competition and transform an interview into an offer in today’s job market.
Here are the questions we’ll be covering, along with some recommended reading to help inform, and inspire, your participation in the #TChat conversation. But don’t worry. We’re not judging you on your answers. We’ll leave that to the professionals.
Q1: What are some of the ways in which interviews have changed the most for job seekers? For employers?
Read: Job Interview: Tips for the Virtual Interview by Charles Purdy
Q2: What strategies can candidates use to influence the outcome of an interview before or after the interview itself?
Read: Closing the Deal: Interviews as Infiuential Sales Presentations by Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter
Q3: What’s more important to assess in an interview: skills, grit or culture fit? Why? What about Emotional Intelligence?
Read: The Job Interview Culture Checklist: 7 Steps to Evaluate In Your Next Job Interview by Hank Stringer
Q4: How do interviewing best practices change for an interview with HR/recruiting vs. hiring manager?
Read: Advice for Tackling The Different Types of Interviews – by Monster.com Career Experts
Q5: What can candidates do in an interview to better assess the company/opportunity as well?
Read: Own The Interview: 10 Questions To Ask by Larry Buhl
Q6: What’s the most valuable piece of interview advice you’ve ever been given?
Read: The Best Piece of Interview Advice You’ll Ever Read by Lance Haun
Q7: How can technology help companies and candidates improve their interview and selection process?
Read: Benefits of Video Interviews and How To Make Your Video Better by Rusty Reuff
Visit www.talentculture.com for more great information on #TChat and resources on culture fatigue and how to overcome it!
Our Monster social media team supports the effort behind #TChat and its mission of sharing “ideas to help your business and your career accelerate – the right people, the right ideas, at the right time.”
We’ll be joining the conversation live every Tuesday night as co-hosts with Kevin Grossman and Meghan M. Biro from 8-9 PM E.T. via @monster_works and @MonsterWW. Hope to see you tonight at 8 PM ET for #TChat!
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