(Editor’s Note: Looking for complete highlights and reference links for the week’s #TChat Events? Read the #TChat Recap: Going Social: Learning In Action .)
What does #TChat mean to you?
To me, it’s so much more than metrics . But the numbers do tell a story of their own…
#TChat By The Numbers
3 years
100+ radio shows and hangout video interviews
150+ high-intensity Twitter chats
550+ blog posts
1 simple goal
Those of us who plan and produce #TChat social learning forums hope that TalentCulture community events educate, energize and enrich everyone who participates. We’re grateful for your involvement — which educates, energizes and enriches us all, in return.
This metaphor for the social workplace isn’t just a random fluke of Twitter nature. It’s an intentional human exchange that continuously flows and shifts in ways that are now bigger than the sum of its parts. Still, each of us is an essential element — with a unique voice that adds depth and texture to the fabric of our talent-minded “tribe.”
#TChat Turns Three: Learning Through Community
So, during this 3rd Anniversary #TChat week, let your voice be heard . Let’s gather on social channels to celebrate the individual, mutual and collective growth that every community of purpose strives to achieve.
This week’s #TChat guest, Ambrosia Humphrey
Who better to help us celebrate the value of digital learning communities and collaboration than a valued friend of #TChat, who is also an expert at social media strategies in the world of work?
Our guest this week is Ambrosia Humphrey , VP of Talent at HootSuite ! Team Hootsuite will be celebrating along with us as well. Social engagement in action.
As a special treat for this week’s “sneak peek” video, we asked our own Community Manager, Tim McDonald , to compare notes with Kevin W. Grossman about the meaning and value of #TChat . The resulting video is a delightful journey into the minds and hearts of two men who are walking examples of community spirit! Watch the hangout now:
Share Your #TChat Story! The Conversation Starts Here
Tim and Kevin aren’t the only ones who are talking about TalentCulture’s role in their professional and personal lives. We’re gathering a collection of quotes and videos from all over the community landscape, and sharing that feedback on #TChat Twitter and other social channels this week.
We’re also launching a special “Buzz!” page right here at TalentCulture.com, to highlight community comments now and in the future. We invite you to share your thoughts — in whatever form you wish.
So, please join this week’s conversation about the power of social learning communities, and tell us what this particular community means to you. The #TChat channel is always “on” and everyone is welcome to participate in whatever way is most beneficial for you. Don’t be shy!
#TChat Events: Online Communities And Professional Growth
#TChat Radio — Wed, Nov 20 — 6:30 pmET / 3:30pmPT
Tune-in to the #TChat Radio show
Our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman talk with Ambrosia Humphrey about the evolution of social communities in the world of work — and the road ahead. Tune-in LIVE online this Wednesday!
#TChat Twitter — Wed, Nov 20 — 7pmET / 4pmPT
Immediately following the radio show, we’ll move this discussion to the #TChat Twitter stream , for an open chat with the entire TalentCulture community. Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we address these questions:
Q1: What are the key ingredients for online learning communities? Why?
Q2: Why do you participate in Twitter chats like #TChat?
Q3: How can organizations capture learning community magic internally?
Q4: What’s the future of Twitter chats in building communities?
Q5: What topics would you like #TChat to explore in 2014?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
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