(Editor’s Note: Looking for the #TChat Recap from this week? See this post: Lessons From a Free-Rand Learning Community .)
Our Best Source of Wisdom: You!
One of the most powerful benefits of professional communities like TalentCulture is the ability to tap into individual minds in real time, for the benefit of all. That’s a primary reason why I’m drawn to community management. It’s exhilarating and very rewarding to be part of a collaborative learning process. And this week at our #TChat Twitter forum , we’re taking that concept in a special direction.
Instead of asking guest experts to discuss their insights with us on #TChat Radio and Twitter , we’re asking YOU to share YOUR wisdom. Specifically, we want to know what sources of professional information and ideas are most beneficial to you…and why. (See our 6 key questions below.)
The guest moderator this week is our very own LinkedIn Group Manager, Dr. Nancy Rubin , Director of Online Learning/Social Media Technologies at Columbia University School of Continuing Education.
Let me kick-off the conversation with an example from my life. Earlier this year, I read a book that deeply resonated with me, as someone who’s life revolves around connections. The book is “Your Network Is Your Net Worth,” by Porter Gale . To understand more about why I recommend it, read a post from my blog , or watch my #TChat “sneak peek” video below…
Your Opinions Matter!
Every answer you share with us will help kick-start a new “Resources” section for TalentCulture.com . And, of course, your feedback about #TChat topics will help us shape the community throughout the coming year.
So don’t be shy — we welcome your ideas this week, and every week!
#TChat Twitter: What Informs And Inspires You — And Why?
A Very Special Conversation: Wed, July 24 at 7pmET / 4pmPT
Join us on the #TChat stream, as we gather your ideas and recommendations, based on these 6 questions:
Q1: What 1-2 “must read” books would you recommend to a business peer? Why?
Q2: What 1-2 blogs are most indispensable to you, professionally? Why?
Q3: What 1-2 socially active thought leaders are most influential in your life? Why?
Q4: What are your 1-2 “go-to” tools for managing social connections or information? Why?
Q5: What prior #TChat topics have helped you most? Why?
BONUS: What topics would you like #TChat to explore in the future?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our new LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your recommendations — before, during and after the Wednesday event.
We’ll see you on the stream!
(Also This Week: Catch TalentCulture CEO, Meghan Biro at a special “Recruiting Insights” webinar with Achievers on Thursday July 25. Learn more… )
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