“Follow your bliss,” one young man said, wearing a vibrant blue and black striped tie and Polo shirt combo. The room filled with nods and smiles. Right on. This was another career panel I participated in yesterday morning put on by an amazing local organization called Your Future Is Our Business (where my wonderful wife has been working of late). YFIOB is a community-based 501(C) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to fostering business/education partnerships that benefit students. Their mission is to support young people in Santa Cruz County with making informed educational and career decisions.
The two classes of high school students we spoke to — and this included a panel of me as marketing/tech guy, a midwife (who was actually the backup midwife for our second daughter’s birth), and a physical therapist and athletic trainer — were all very attentive as they asked us serious career development questions. I find it silly that those who long to label are scrambling to figure out just what to call the generation born in the mid-1990s and later. As far as I’m concerned, it’s silly and pointless, although one thing is clear: They’ll be the most tech-savvy generation from birth than any other previous.
And they are. They were amused how my high school had a computer lab of one computer, and how I had learned how to type on an IBM Selectric III typewriter there, and how they now have magic gadgets that even Steve Jobs hadn’t dreamed up yet.
Afterward, the young man who had said, “Follow your bliss,” came up to me and began asking me questions about getting into video game programming and telling me how he is already programming on his own now. I told him to keep learning and doing, because doing is knowing.
“So do,” I said. “And keep rocking those ties, Mister.”
And don’t stop learning either, kids. I told them all, whether it’s a 2-year, 4-year, advanced, and/or technical degree or certification, continue upgrading your skills post high school and throughout your life. According to an unsettling article by Ira S. Wolfe , nearly 123 million workers with only high school diplomas and no secondary education are competing for 50 million lower-skill, lower-pay jobs.
This is why we are all Generation Now — longing to find our bliss and to be committed to the work that moves and schools us and the world. And now couldn’t come at a better time.
Thank you for joining us for #TChat yesterday. We encountered a great deal of your wisdom, and below is a slide show displaying just a small sliver of that.
image credit: Teaching with iPad2 , by Auburn Alumni Association
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#TChat INSIGHTS: The State of the Multigenerational World of
Storified by TalentCulture · Thu, May 31 2012
Thank-you for your valuable INSIGHTS! The #TChat Hashtag is live all week. See you in
Real-Time.Sean Charles
Consider this an invitation - to the #TChat Nation!
http://su.pr/1kW6CI (Today at 7PM ET)
Here we go...There are fewer jobs for the generations, so what are we to do? #tchatMarla Gottschalk
A1 I'm a big believer that *passion* sees no boundaries and I see that across all
generation, thank goodness! #tchatClaire Crossley
A1. The only limits are those we place on
our own potential. In this economy, there's no time for "I can't". #tchatSalima
A1. The definition of job will change. So you may not need one #TchatDave Ryan,
A1: #tchat'ers don't complain. They solve. #truthRob McGahen
A1 Looking
at "job creation" is a deceptive number -have to factor in the retiring workforce &
those coming in to replace. "Net Jobs" #TchatCrystal Miller
A1 - the
demographics are very interesting as we move forward with US boomers retiring though many have had
to delay it! #TChatBruce Sallan
#TChat - A1 - Make your time online useful,
network&connect, it could be your next boss you are talking with right now. ;-
A1: If retired don't go back to work just because you are bored, volunteer find
something else to do #tchatGuy Davis
Not complaining. It's just hard to find work.@rjgatto:
A1: don't spend you're time sitting in a park complaining. Get to work. #TChatLady
A1: Create a position for yourself! Look around, see what is lacking and pitch
your skills. Never know... :-) #TChatBarb Buckner
A1 - Really there are plenty of jobs...over
3.5M get a new one each month and growing! #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A1: don't spend
you're time sitting in a park complaining. Get to work. #OccupyWallSt #TChatJonny Gatto
Many, many variables are at play here, and just as many solutions... #TChatBrent Skinner
This may be the Kickstarter generation - crowdfunding to enable new products and services. #TChatJon
A1 - Find a niche you are passionate about...that's the best place to start...then partner
with your Grandma and your son... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
#TChat - A1 - Expand your skills,
#volunteer, take a couple of p/t time jobs. "Test the waters" & you might find
something new as a career!Michael!
A1: Are there truly fewer jobs or just lower proportion
of well paying jobs? #TchatStephen Van Vreede
A1 We don't want a "Generation
Jobless" - skills need to match the needs of organizations. #tchatMarla Gottschalk
A1 - No jobs - make a goal to start a biz with all generations represented... #tchatKC
A1: Large corporation are struggling because of high cost of overhead...this is
why small business can thrive! #TChatBarb Buckner
Question for A1: How does the sheer size
of the #boomer generation, along with medical advances, bear on all this? #tchatBrent
A1 - Also need to look at this - "Available Jobs" isn't the same as available
work - employment TYPES are also shifting #TChatCrystal Miller
#TChat - A1: Be innovative,
its proven in a down economy, more new companies are created..so, Create your own
A1: So many reports talk about the jobs actually being there....just
employers slow and more fickle to hire now. Time to push them! #TChatBarb Buckner
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You'll never get the job if you don't try. ##GenWhatever
A1 Invest in yourself ~ & I don't (only) mean $$$$ #tchatCASUDI
A1: The economy is what you make of it. If it is bad, what are you doing to improve instead
of point fingers? #tchatRob McGahen
A1 Its not that there are fewer jobs, there are fewer
jobs the next generation are willing to take! #tchatLouise DiCarlo
A1: there are new jobs
created for ea. generation depending on where demand is & direction of innovation. Have to tap
into those opps #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A1: More "solopreneurs" - taking their
talent and starting their own initiatives. #TChatJon M
A1. This can't be the first time there
have been limited jobs. What has been done in the past? #TChatChanelle Schneider
A1. Skill,
ability and willingness to think outside of the box are very important - not age. #tchatAnita
A1 There are fewer jobs, period, imo, age should never be a yes or no for a recruiter or org;
I've seen it happen only recently #tchatClaire Crossley
#tchat A1: I read an interesting article
today about the new "freelance economy". I favor #smb because it creates niche industries
and jobsAndrew Grossman
A1: Honestly, why elections -- local, state, national in order -- so
important. Govt policy to set framework for innov + growth #TChatStephen Van Vreede
Hire the best ~ as an employer ~&~ Be the best you can~ to be & stay employed
A1: More will turn to solopreneurism -- a challenging path, but with its
rewards. #TChat#CareerGravity
A1: This is also a great time to set up those
"mentor" programs we always talk about so knowledge isn't lost when employees DO retire
#TChatBarb Buckner
A1. Age shouldn't be a factor if they can get the job done! A team
should be a mix of of ppl with diverse experiences & fresh minds. #tchatAnita
A1: I
think we need to get much friendlier with job-share options. Lots of people still need to work, not all
want FT positions. #TChatJen Watkiss
A1 - Wait tables, get a gig in Community Theater,
spend time with Mom... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A1) start your own business and grow it to
provide jobs for others. dont wait for the "recovery" #TChatPortland John
Orgs must develop nice ways to hire, promote and retire workers. Big order but it must happen
#tchatChris Fields
A1 #Tchat There are lots of jobs but the skill set needs are changing.
@Le_Brendastrategic HR, inc.
A1: Great time for entrepenuers and start ups...find a passion
and go for it! #TChatBarb Buckner
A1: Productivity gains have yielded 'fewer jobs', but
technological advances have balanced this by creating more industries. #tchatRob
A1 ppl are creating new jobs - entrepreneurs springing up in fields of digital
comms-fields that didn't exist 10+ years ago.work diff #tchatGigi Peterkin
A1: The economy
STINKS = #Truth #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A1 - Go to the beach and read a good book - the
paper version... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A1: Make it easier to for startups to start up -- the
true job creation engines -- FT, PT, flex time, contract, project... #tchatKevin W. Grossman
- elect the RIGHT President this time! #TChatBruce Sallan
A1. That's not really a problem;
10k/ day #BB retire for next 19 years, (26% of the total U.S. population); only 13% 2 replace
#TChatCrystal Miller
A1: Hire the best person for the job...hopefully with skills that match job
requirements. Next question. #TChatTom Bolt
A1 #Tchat No matter what generation you are,
you need to stay on the forefront of your field in order to stay marketable.strategic HR,
A1. Being aware that age shouldn't be a determinant when deciding if someone can do a
job or not is a start - don't rule people out! #tchatJoshua Barger
Q2 How do the generations
adapt their skill sets to what's needed today in business. #tchatMarla Gottschalk
@TalentCulture A2READ everything! Blogs articles magazines books #TChatCynthia
A2 We need to be up to date with technology and continue to learn new things
#tchatFanny Santos
#TChat A2: Be open 2 taking a step back 2 step forward. This GenX'er
didnt start #Recruiting til his mid 30's Career step back w/no REGRETS!Michael!
Crosspollination between the generations - new skills & tech up, hard won lessons & savoir-
faire down. #tchatcfactor Works Inc.
GuyDavis02 A2: Don't be afraid of technology, ask q's
and learn to use it. Email pdfs don't get me articles clipped for a newspaper
#TChat - A2 - Be willing to learn, education never has to stop, no matter
your age! #Lifelonglearnerhere !!Michael!
A2 - you've got to keep an open mind listen, listen,
and listen some more - you'll surprised what you learn from all generations! #tchatRichard S
A2: Don't be afraid of technology, ask questions and learn to use it. Email pdfs don't
get me articles clipped for a newspaper #TchatGuy Davis
A2 Much like learning different
culltures - I'm always amazed that we're more similar than different. Same w/generational diffs.
#TChatChina Miner Gorman
A2: ppl need 2 upgrade work skills regardless of age. That's
especially true if you are in IT #tchatKM Zinninger
A2: great advantage IS having so many
generations collaborating, when never did before to this extent. each brings something #tchatPlatinum
#TChat - A2 - In down economy, people r doing multiple duties, offer 2 take on
those extra duties, could be inroad to promotion, or new opp!Michael!
A2 Twitter chats
#TChat Staying connected & engaged. -Jumping in....Naomi Caietti
A2: each generation
needs to adapt to each other. Need 2 communicate, be patient & realize we all have add value in
different ways. #tchatPlatinum Resource
A2. Leadership must first seek to find common
threads with different generations and then help team collaborate of skill training. #tchatTerri
A2 Understanding that most research shows that the issues each generation is
concerned about are more similar than different #TChatChina Miner Gorman
A2: Although
Baby boomer might take a class...whereas a GenY'er may blog. #tchatBill Cushard
A2 Any gen
should practice continuing education & in between jobs, volunteering is a great way to
improve/learn/practice skills #tchatClaire Crossley
A2: What's truly needed in biz never
changes. tools, delivery methods do..keep up w/ those and sustain fundamentals #TChatStephen Van
#TChat - A2: Stay current on what's happening. I have heard too many times from
applicants: "I dont need linkedin, or use a smartphone"Michael!
A2 Successful
learning req's being able to look at one's world with a sense of awe regardless of age. #tchatJoe
A2: Be a constant brainstorming catalyst. Never criticize and learn from listening to
others. #TChatTom Bolt
A2 Walk a mile in every generation shoes and embrace change. If
you think your gen is 'better' you've failed #tchatJT
A2 - Transparency is the new new mantra
to successful business...nothing is sacred - EXECUTE and collaborate... #tchatKC
A2: Stay up to date on as much as you can. You will get left behind if you
don't. #tchatRob McGahen
A2: Its sad when I see my employers that have been around for
25yrs just refusing to learn anything new & ride it out til retirement #TChatBarb
A2: Do whatever it takes to learn the necessary skills to live/work your passion
#TChatSean Charles
A2: Adapting will need to happen on both sides of the equation >
Adapting People + Adapting Org = Mutual Growth. #TChatJon M
A2 Innovate, grow in all
directions and stay outside the box #tchatBeverly Davis
A2: It takes investment of time and
energy to really adapt and grow your skill set. #tchatBlogMutt
A2: Focus on relationships and
human connection, that never changes! #tchatTyrell Mara
A2: Learn fast, teach well and
team quickly. #tchatJay M. Oza
A2: To stay ahead...YOU have to want to put yourself out
there and learn. Don't wait until you HAVE to. #TChatBarb Buckner
A2 Learning from each
other is key. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A2. Does #Tchat = Life long learning?
#MakeDaveSmarterDave Ryan, SPHR
A2 - Adapt to what you learn from all the other
generations...then make it your own! #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A2 Learning is a prerequisite
to adaptation. Being a continuous/lifelong learner is more important today than ever before. #tchatJoe
A2 - continuous education! Collaboration with other generations, social media,
staying involved in trade groups, etc. #tchatRichard S Pearson
A2: Flexibilty and open-mind
to embrace changes and new technology. #tchatGary Polsky
A2. Be open to tackling skills
that may feel uncomfortable at first. Leaders need to lead the way. #tchatTerri Klass
Learning is doing and doing is knowing. So do. #tchatKevin W. Grossman
A2: I don't think it is
a matter of generations. I think driven people are curious and keep learning...no matter their
generation. #tchatBill Cushard
A2: an ability to get comfortable with constant change can't
be overstated #TChatJen Watkiss
A2: Never stop learning. Embrace the novel and
unexpected. Be a wild innovator and make ppl wonder. #TChatTom Bolt
A2. Pay attention to
what's happening around you - not "to" you. #tchatSalima Nathoo
A2: Educate
yourself. Nobody can do it for you. #tchatRob McGahen
THIS! Yes, what it's all about. Makes
me HAPPY >> @DaveTheHRCzar: A2 Life long learning #TChatMeghan M. Biro
A2 - I
adapted by going back to school and studying technology. Knowing what is next is important
THIS! Huge fan of this! MRT @TerriKlass A2. become involved in reverse
mentoring. Learn talents of each other's generation. #tchatCrystal Miller
A2: Keep educating
yourself. There is no other way. #tchatRob McGahen
A2: Be referrable, be credible, provide
value-added interactions. Ppl follow that no matter what the age. #tchatSheree Van
A2 Look around and adapt to getting the job done ~ no matter what implementation
wins. #tchatCASUDI
A2: Research and be in tune with industry trends, this will help you stay
competitive or get into a booming career. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A2 - Align learning plan
w/ business goals - find gaps & train in those areas. Keep a mentor at ALL stages of your career
#TChatCrystal Miller
A2. Some of the best employees can foresee market changes and evolve
accordingly so they don't get left behind. #tchatAnita
A2: Explore new training, take classes,
WANT to adapt and learn... Too many sit back and just give up in fear of the "new"
generation #TChatBarb Buckner
A2 Life long learning #TchatDave Ryan, SPHR
A great way to adapt skill sets is become involved in reverse mentoring. Learn talents of each other's
generation. #tchatTerri Klass
@MRGottschalk A2: They don't adapt - they wait until they are
told to change then they change ;-) #TchatDavid Christopher
A2: More educational
opportunities/course content are becoming accessible online - formal or not - Open Courses, iTunesU,
forums #tchatJoshua Barger
@MRGottschalk A2: Get informed, get educated. #tchat is a
great place to start :)Kathi & Katherine
A2. Stay up to date on current trends, read,
expand your network... the list goes on. #tchatAnita
A2: All generations need to be open to
constant learning and adaptation. No one is fast enough to out run technology. #GenWhatever
Q3 Who are you loyal to today? The employer, the brand, the work and/or
the team? And why? #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A3: But I suppose it depends on what is
the definition of loyalty is? Can mean different things to different people? #tchatSteve
"@MRGottschalk: A3 Wonder if team loyalty is replacing company loyalty...
#tchat" EEs don't feel company loyal to them-leads to team first.Scot
@MRGottschalk A3 in the current economic climate, self loyalty is replacing team
and company loyalty #TchatDavid Christopher
A3: In my experience, loyalty can be down to
individual manager and department but hosed up from levels above outside of control #tchatSteve
A3 Wonder if team loyalty is replacing company loyalty... #tchatMarla Gottschalk
A3. Hmm...Some EEs I want a commitment from and others I want loyalty. #TCHATChris
A3: Whoever pays the soldiers the most. ~ Game of Thrones #GOT #TChatSean
A3 - the culture of an org. creates the loyalty - if you are part of a team and valued
you give back to the org. #tchatRichard S Pearson
A3: The large firm I used to work for are
now firing people who have been there 25+ years to cut costs. How's that for loyalty? #tchatRob
A3 I think we're confusing recognition w/loyalty now... #TChatChina Miner
@MRGottschalk A3. My generation is selfish. Loyal to no one but themselves. Too
bad. #tchatJonny Gatto
Definitely! @MRGottschalk: A3 So, I am hearing this is not a
generation issue - loyalty has to be earned. #tchatLady Unemployed
A3. Leaders and
organizations need to create a culture of loyalty to each person. #tchatTerri Klass
A3 It
seems that loyalty like any value has seen a shift with the generation. What we believe has been
influenced by our environment #tchatShalini Chugh
Agreed! MRT @MichaelRecruits: #TChat
- A3 - I think the days of 30 or 15 yr employee are gone - 3 to 5 yr, is now long time for one placeBarb
A3: It's about being loyal to your online personal brand. That breeds authenticity,
which generates goodwill.
@MRGottschalk A3: All 4 go hand in hand. If one loyalty doesn't exist U are ready to move somewhere
else #TChatPadma Mohanram
A3. Collaboration leads to success. Be loyal to the shared
vision & objectives. #tchatcfactor Works Inc.
A3 So, I am hearing this is not a generation
issue - loyalty has to be earned. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A3. Without loyalty there is no
honesty or trust-basic foundation for a successful team and leader. #tchatTerri Klass
- A3 - I think the days of 30 or 15 yr employee are gone, loyalty time frames has shifted. 3 to 5 yr, is now
long time for one placeMichael!
GREAT ? @ChinaGorman: A3 Are we confusing loyalty with
commitment? Commitment to learning, industry, development...#TChat #TChatMeghan M.
A3: Loyalty overrated! You provide comp service, they provide compensation...That
should be extent of it #TchatStephen Van Vreede
A3 - Loyalty is mostly for the Marine in the
Fox Hole keeping his buddies safe... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A3 who measures
#boomers brought us 8-Track Roatry Dial phones & The bong as communication tools #TchatDave
Ryan, SPHR
A4: As a gen y kid ive always used email & social media, but i am no stranger
to using the phone. #tchatKM Zinninger
A4 we r combo boomers, GenX & Y; as new
media co. to get our message out primarily use website, Twitter & FB but also on Lin #tchatGood
MRGottschalk A4 It seems that listening is still the big winner - glad to see this. We
have a lot to learn from each other... #tchatTalentCulture
A4. I use a lot of
"synchronized" platforms to ensure I'm up-to-date & can communicate
ANYWHERE/ANYTIME (except some planes :/) #TChatCrystal Miller
A4: Bottom line: No
matter what generation - we just need to listen & interact - meaningfully. #TChatJon
A4 It seems that listening is still the big winner - glad to see this. We have a lot to learn
from each other... #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A4: Seeing more and more Lil Boomers
adopting social media in last 18-24 months – mostly for business. #tchatSteve Sisko
GenY, all forms of social media since I hijacked that role. I'm now kicking ass ;) #tchatRob
A4. GenX - #Social #Video #Text #Email #Mobile - all of it. #TChatCrystal
A4) Baby Boomer here. Email, Basecamp, Twitter, SMS, Smoke Signals...whatever it
takes! #tchatRobert Moore
A4: You can really see the difference in tools with white an blue
collar workers #TChatBarb Buckner
A4: I think it also depends on individual, I'm more likely
to try new technology then some of my #GenX friends. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
Generation I come from doesn't matter. Use current & old modes of communication - in person
convos to social media convos. #TChatJon M
A4: On the tech side, a shared chat system
available on multiple device platforms and mobile - hipchat is great #tchatJoshua Barger
A4 I
am Gen-Agnostic ~ I use anything that works ~ Communication even B4 all fab nu tech always my
priority #tchatCASUDI
A4: Gen X. personally, I try to use any apps I can get my hands out.
professionally, my company is behind (small bus failure) #TChatBarb Buckner
ditto only
boomer here @chieflemonhead: A4: GenX - always on, always plugged in, always connected. Pick a
device, I have it & use it! #TChatSylvia Dahlby
A4: Tail end baby boomer (61) using text
msgs, blogs, Twitter, “Live Mtgs” and emails to communicate. Getting into Video now. #tchatSteve
A4 - According to the new reality - I am from GenY, X and Boomer...not sure about the
Z's yet they make me sleepy... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A4: I'm #GenX and and wedged
between three generations....I think we are more alike than different. I'm FLEXible. #TChatMeghan M.
A4: GenX - always on, always plugged in, always connected. Pick a device, I have it
& use it! #tchatJudi Samuels
A4: At our small office, we have a variety. Tweeting now,
I'm Generation Flux, and I think most of our office is, too. #tchatBlogMutt
A4. I'm a GenY who
loves online collaboration tools, social media, email, text & instant messaging for communication.
A4: GenY here. Start with the company environment first - We offer an open
environment and encourage everyone to get involved. #tchatJoshua Barger
Q5 How do
business leaders best marshal the talents of a multigenerational team? #tchatMarla Gottschalk
A5. Generational differences also reflect life style differences. We need to pay attention
to work/life balance. #tchatTerri Klass
A5 Orgs have collective workforce. Strategize on how
to train, retain & recruit. #TChatNaomi Caietti
A5 #Tchat Need to accept them where
they are and how they are and ensure they understand each other.strategic HR, inc.
A5: At
some point, #teams *must* rally behind their #leaders. It's an employee's job. ITMT, leaders, inspire!
#TChatBrent Skinner
A5 #Tchat Educate...harness the differences.strategic HR,
A5. Leadership must take the time to validate the differences and then collaborate to
achieve an end product. #tchatTerri Klass
A5 best thing leaders can do is model inclusive,
inclusive behavior that listens to each team member #TChatChina Miner Gorman
A5 Best
teams are always a mix of skills/experience/passion, not clones. Embrace other's strengths. Ban 'my way
is better' #tchatJT
A5 Going to work should be like a community... #tchatMarla Gottschalk
A5: Keep educating everyone. Use their new skills to everyone's advantage! #tchatRob
A5: Leaders, spend time w/your teams. Get 2 know them. Only then will u lead
multigenerational teams effectively. #TChatBrent Skinner
THIS! >> @BrightJobs: A5:
Each generation has something to offer. Diversity always = stronger team. Embrace differences.
#TChatMeghan M. Biro
A5. The word marshal in this question is ironic. #tchatJustin
I think that's called family! @FreshTransition A5: New term:
Multigenerationalcollaboration. #tchatSheree Van Vreede
A5 It's about matching talent with
the task...regardless of age. #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A5: Keep everyone educated and
tap their talents as a result. #tchatRob McGahen
A5: Each generation has something to offer.
Diversity always = stronger team. Embrace differences. #tchatBright.com
A5 Teams are the
link here - #tchatMarla Gottschalk PhD
A5: Companies need to recognize who they are
"pitching" too...older gen decision makers may not take to new generation... #TChatBarb
A5: Understand what motivates each generation and how best to communicate with
them. #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A5. Then brainstorm ways to integrate the different
generations on the team so talents are being leveraged. #tchatTerri Klass
A5. Instead of
ignoring age, use it as benefit. How can U leverage new tools w/well-earned experience. #tchatSheree
Van Vreede
A5 - dig a pit behind the building throw all generations in and toss in some raw
hamburger.... (kidding) #tchatRichard S Pearson
A5: Not just multi-generational but MULTI-
CULTURAL and Multi-Time Zone Teams #tchatSteve Sisko
A5 Multi-Gen collaboration = v.
exiting possibilities ~ when everyone is open & embraces to new #tchatCASUDI
generation and age mean nothing...find and use those best suited for task and team contribution
#TchatStephen Van Vreede
A5. That's like asking how should we defend Michael Jordan ;)
#tchatJustin Mass
A5 - Build teams based on Teamability skills and provide a perception
indicator for all so motivations are transparent... #tchatKC @UpwardlyMe
A5: Lead the
talent to education...hope they take advantage to stay on top. #tchatRob McGahen
Strengths-based capacity building. Good to great starts with knowing the awesome you need in your
org, then hiring it. #tchatSalima Nathoo
A5 Leaders MUST be aware top of skills required, not
just sit in a glass office and shout commands. Only way to "lead"
A5: Successful multigenerational team = tap into each of their talents and
strengths #tchatEmilie Mecklenborg
A5 -- creating clarity around mission, values and way
forward has nothing to do with generations - it's about communication #TChatChina Miner
A5. Workforce planning goes deeper than headcount/hiring. Look 2 your workforce
& chart out strengths, gaps & pair team 2 blend/fill #TChatCrystal Miller
A5: By
considering a multigenerational workforce an asset - not a hinderance.
A5: Play to strengths, let people run free with their talents. It's easier
to pull back than to start w/limits. #tchatBlogMutt
A5. First step is sharing an awareness of each of the generation's talents and strengths.Understanding is power. #tchatTerri Klass
Each generation has their "skill"..break up duties to best use each of them so that together
you have a winning team #TChatBarb Buckner
A5: I am a boomer but I love tech and we
communicate and collaborate alot by email, I feel that we still have too many meetings #TchatGuy
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