(Editor’s Note : Are you looking for a full recap of this week’s #TChat events and resources? Read the #TChat Recap: “Violence On The Job: It Pays To Prepare” .)
9/11/2001. Who can forget that morning, 12 years ago, when the unimaginable unfolded before our eyes? Before that fateful day, few of us gave much thought to the impact of violence and disaster preparedness in the world of work.
But among the many lessons of the 9/11 attacks, we learned that no one should ignore the potential for workplace violence , in any form.
So this week as our nation remembers 9/11, the TalentCulture community is coming together at #TChat events to dispel costly myths and discuss vital realities about workplace violence and disaster preparation and prevention.
Making Sense of Risk Management
To lead this important conversation, we welcome two experts:
• Tom Bronack , President of Data Center Assistance Group , specialists in enterprise resiliency.
• Felix Nater , Founder of Nater Associates , a business security advisory firm.
To kick-off the discussion, I spoke briefly with both Tom and Felix in separate Hangouts recently. Watch, and I’m sure you’ll agree that this topic deserves closer attention by all of us who focus on the human side of business.
First, Tom set the stage by telling the brief story of one company that paid a tremendous price for operating without a safety or recovery plan:
Next, Felix explained the steep cost of violence in business environments:
We have everything to gain by learning more from pros like Tom and Felix — and by sharing ideas with others in our community. So bring your questions and concerns, and let’s talk!
#TChat Events: Violence Prevention In Today’s Workplace
Tune-in to the #TChat Radio show
#TChat Radio — Wed, Sep 11 — 6:30pmET / 3:30pmPT
Our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman talk with Felix Nater and Tom Bronack about why preparation is essential in preventing and recovering from workplace violence. They’ll help us rethink myths, and educate us on best practices. Don’t miss this special event — dial-in LIVE with your questions and input!
#TChat Twitter — Wed, Sep 11 — 7pmET / 4pmPT
Immediately following the radio show, we’ll move the discussion to the #TChat Twitter stream , where Dr. Nancy Rubin will lead an open chat with the entire TalentCulture community. Anyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we address these questions:
Q1: How prevalent is workplace violence today? Why?
Q2 : What costs are associated with workplace violence?
Q3: What top 3 things should employers should do to prepare for violence?
Q4: Who should be on your workplace violence preparedness team?
Q5: What technologies enable response planning and safeguarding?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
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