Most of us want people to like us, especially in social settings, but sometimes the idea of going out there and schmoozing seems phony and feels like pretending. And who wants to feel like a phony? No one. Guess what? You don’t have to, according to today’s #Worktrends’ guest, Michelle Lederman.
Listen to the full #WorkTrends podcast on BlogTalk Radio now: 11 Laws of Likability.
Michelle is the author of the book, “The 11 Laws of Likability,” which talks about the value of connecting with others in meaningful and authentic ways. During our lively conversation today, we talked about relationship networking and what draws people to each other in a business capacity.
Michelle described the 11 laws she has identified as the most relevant and impactful aspects of building genuine relationships. As she stated, it’s not about transactions, but more about connecting with people in a real and honest manner—that benefits everyone.
Michelle shared the following key points with the TalentCulture #WorkTrends community:
- People are influenced by how they feel, more than what you say.
- Energy is contagious! That’s The Law of Energy. Ask yourself, how does a candidate feel when interacting with people at your firm?
- Understand The Law of Similarity. Find a personal connection or common work vision to align and from which to build a relationship.
Her book, “The 11 Laws of Likability” delves into the value of finding your authenticity and learning to build self-image, energy, curiosity, and listening skills to develop an effective, natural system for creating and maintaining relationships. We all learned a lot!
Listen now to this #WorkTrends episode on our BlogTalk Radio channel:
Or subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or via Stitcher.
Next week, on Oct 26, I’ll be joined by Chris Savage, CEO of Wistia, who will talk about getting the most out of video (which is huge these days!)
Want to listen to more #WorkTrends episodes? Check out our archive on our podcast library page
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Photo Credit: Andrew Bohuslavizki Flickr via Compfight cc
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