(Editor’s Note: For full insights from this week’s events see “Good Works in the Workplace”)
Question: How many nonprofit organizations are in the U.S.?
a) 200,000
b) 750,000
c) 1,100,000
d) 1,500,000+
If you aimed high, you’re right. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics , our country is home to more than 1.5 million charities, foundations and other nonprofit organizations.
Many are embracing social media as an easy way to extend their reach to socially conscious business organizations and their employees. However, the results are mixed. The 2012 Nonprofit Social Networking Report says many organizations are finding value in using social channels. However, translating those social media relationships into actual donations is a continual challenge.
Social Good: A Little Less Talk, More Action?
Are we spending too much time talking about social good, and not enough time on “doing” good? The TalentCulture community has tackled this topic before with guests from the business side of the corporate responsibility equation. (See Business and the Spirit of Sharing .) But this week we’ve asked other experts to share their unique perspective on this topic:
Jure Klepic , a digital marketing strategist and commentator focused on in social media innovation in consumer business environments;
Marion Mariathasan , CEO at SoRewarding.com a social network for that integrates giving into daily activities.
#TChat Sneak Peek Videos
Jure framed this week’s conversation by talking with me about cultural factors that influence charitable behavior. Watch the Google+ Hangout now:
Next, Marion briefly touched on a key issue that successful giving initiatives must address:
#TChat Events: Putting More “Good” in Social Good
I’m excited to learn more from both of these guests, as they help us explore this topic throughout the coming week.
Tune-in to #TChat Radio live on Tuesday
How about you? What are your thoughts as members of a community focused on the “human” side of business? What kind of benefits do you see for companies and the workforce at-large in connecting more deeply with charitable organizations through digital channels?
Join the TalentCulture conversation, and let’s explore the possibilities:
#TChat Radi o — Tuesday, April 23 at 7:30pmET / 4:30pmPT — Jure and Marion talk with hosts Kevin W. Grossman and Meghan M. Biro about how social media can do a better job of connecting the “world of work” with the world’s charitable organizations.
#TChat Twitter — Wednesday, April 24 at 7:00pmET / 4:00pmPT — Everyone is welcome at our open, online Twitter forum , to exchange ideas in real-time about these key questions:
Q1: Social channels facilitate open communication across groups, but what about charitable giving?
Q2: How can nonprofits better align with corporate social responsibility initiatives?
Q3: How can business leaders and employees boost charitable giving in their organizations?
Q4: What ways can companies and employees contribute to nonprofits beside giving money?
Q5: What platforms and technologies should companies leverage for charitable giving?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our new LinkedIn Discussion Group . So please join us share your questions, ideas and opinions.
We’ll see you on the stream!
(Editorial Note: Want to see the full recap of this week’s events? S ee “Good Works in the Workplace”)
Image credit: Flickr Creative Commons
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