How To Visualize Real-Time Talent Alignment
Managing talent is an art form. It is a delicacy few have mastered, and even fewer, have come to understand. Essentially, managing talent is about managing people, and aligning their goals with your organization’s vision. Employees are a reflection of leadership’s ability to instill and align organizational goals with the goals that employees share. Performance is driven through engagement, communication, and most importantly, transparency of what the organization’s vision is. This week, #TChat’s community was joined by Andre Lavoie , CEO & Co-founder of Clear Company; & Matt Norman , a Dale Carnegie Training franchise president, both whom relayed a vital message about organizational transparency.
They understand and know that managing employees and driving performance is about aligning talent with an organization’s vision through transparency. It starts when:
Leadership has to own the recruitment and onboarding process to begin aligning talent with the organization’s vision. Before you can accomplish this, you must know:
Creating organizational transparency begins when you realize what resources you need to achieve your strategy, then recruiting and the rest can start to fall into place. This matters because:
Here’s the wonderful catch about understanding your talent needs and aligning employees with your company’s vision. It makes your people want to stick around. Employee retention helps drive organizational growth and the vision that fuels it. This is why:
If you build a culture that gives employees access to your organization’s vision then your talent grows with you. At the end of the day, it’s not always about the “bottom line,” it’s about your people. An engaged workforce is productive, it’s happy, and it’s most likely to stick around. To achieve organizational transparency leaders have to hold employees accountable and must be able to continuously measure their performance to consistently align talent with your company’s vision in real-time.
Want To See The #TChat Replay?
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Visualizing Real-Time Talent Alignment” on Storify</a>]
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story ” The Inspire or Retire Leadership Theorem” on Storify</a>]
Closing Notes & What’s Ahead
Thanks again to our guests Andre Lavoie and Matt Norman for teaching us real-time talent alignment. Click here to see the preview and related reading.
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