(Editor’s Note: Are you looking for complete highlights and resource links from this week’s events? Read the #TChat Recap: “Age Discrimination At Work: Bad Business” .)
This week, the TalentCulture community action is truly nonstop, with a trifecta of #TChat events ! Let me help connect the dots between these three elements — old dogs, new tricks and HR lessons to live by:
1) HR Celebrates New Tools: Today Oct 6, TalentCulture’s intrepid founders Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman hit the ground running at this week’s HR Tech Conference — which promises to be the biggest and most mind-blowing ever. Meghan explains what all the buzz is about at Forbes.com: “7 Hottest Trends In HR Technology.”
2) HR Learns New Tricks: Tomorrow Oct 7, LIVE from the conference, Meghan and Kevin host an Expert Roundtable Discussion on Employee Engagement. If you’re not at the conference, you can follow the action from a distance on the #TChat Twitter stream from 2:30-3:15pmPT (5:30-6:15pmET).
3) But Are “Old Dogs” Willing? Perhaps too often in today’s digitally driven workplace, it’s suggested that innovation is a young person’s game. But is that perception realistic? Is it fair? And is it even legal? Those questions inspired us to focus on age discrimination at our weekly #TChat Twitter chat, this Wednesday Oct 9.
Youth Code: Age In Today’s Workplace
If you’re familiar with TalentCulture, you know our community has no fear about taking on deeply human workplace issues. In the past year alone, we’ve explored the relationship between “thought diversity” and business innovation , we’ve considered the value of reverse mentoring , and we’ve discussed the need to remove age-related stereotypes as Millennials enter the workforce.
Now we invite you to fasten your seat belts as we take a realistic look at age discrimination, and its implications for an aging workforce. We’ll be guided by two respected HR community leaders:
• Steve Levy , a prominent workforce sourcing expert and popular recruiting blogger .
• Heather Bussing , an employment law attorney who is also a founding editorial advisory board member and contributor at HR Examiner .
I sat down briefly with Steve in a joint G+ Hangout to frame this topic. Watch now, and I’m sure you’ll won’t want to miss what should be a lively and helpful social learning opportunity this Wednesday on Twitter!
#TChat: Age Discrimination at Work: Perception and Reality
#TChat Twitter — Wednesday, Oct 9 — 7pmET / 4pmPT
This week, we’ll skip the #TChat Radio interview and jump right into the #TChat Twitter stream , with event moderator, Cyndy Trivella . Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to join us as we discuss these 5 questions:
Q1: Do you see age discrimination at work? Describe it.
Q2: If a company hires or fires with age in mind, what does that say about its culture?
Q3: Which is more prevalent / problematic: discrimination of young or old?
Q4: How can we improve the perception and reality of age at work? Laws? And…?
Q5: What role can technology play in empowering older workers?
Throughout the week, we’ll keep the discussion going on the #TChat Twitter feed and on our LinkedIn Discussion Group . So feel free to contribute your thoughts. Please join us and share your ideas, opinions, questions, and concerns!
We’ll see you on the stream!
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