The TalentCulture #TChat Show will be back live on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET.
Last week we talked about how to legally leverage social media in the recruitment process, and this week we’re going to talk about how to make waves and initiate positive change.
We should all step up and be the ones to initiate positive change in the world of work, instilling “wave-making” behaviors in others within their organization. By reinforcing our continuous desire to contribute and make a difference on an individual level, wave-making bridges the gap between that desire and the actions necessary to realize bigger changes and improve employee engagement.
Change can be big or small. It is the act of stepping up that makes all the difference, as well as the ripple effect on those around.
Join TalentCulture #TChat Show co-creators and hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman for the last show of 2014 as we learn about making waves and the impact it has on innovation with this week’s guest: Patti Johnson, CEO of PeopleResults, a change and human capital consulting firm.
Sneak Peek:
Related Reading:
Meghan M. Biro: 5 Disruptors In The World of Work For 2015
Patti Johnson Three Easy Ways To Undermine Your Change
Laurie Ruettiman: HR Doesn’t Innovate
Sean Hougan: 2015’s Top 10 Disruptive Innovations in HR Technology
Debbie Fledderjohann: Disruptive HR
Kristen B. Frasch: Tech Changes Coming
We hope you’ll join the #TChat conversation this week and share your questions, opinions and ideas with our guest and the TalentCulture Community.
#TChat Events: Making Waves And Positive Change In The World Of Work
#TChat Radio — Wed, December 17th — 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT Tune in to the #TChat Radio show with our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman, as they talk with our guest: Patti Johnson.
Tune in LIVE online Wednesday, December 17th!
#TChat Twitter Chat — Wed, December 17th — 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT Immediately following the radio show, Meghan, Kevin and Patti will move to the #TChat Twitter stream, where we’ll continue the discussion with the entire TalentCulture community. Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we gather for a dynamic live chat, focused on these related questions:
Q1: What does “making waves” in the world of work mean today? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
Q2: How should we measure change management to ensure we’re driving business outcomes? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
Q3: What technologies & practices do you recommend companies implement to enable wave-making? #TChat (Tweet this Question)
photo credit: raniel diaz via photopin cc
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