The TalentCulture #TChat Show is back live on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, from 7-8 pm ET (4-5 pm PT). The #TChat radio portion runs the first 30 minutes from 7-7:30 pm ET, followed by the #TChat Twitter chat from 7:30-8 pm ET.
Last week we talked about values based leadership and this week we’re going to talk about the state of HR Technology with a co-chair of Human Resource Executive’s HR Technology® Conference and a technology editor for LRP Publications. He also writes an HR blog and hosts the HR Happy Hour Show, a radio program and podcast.
Yeah, that guy — Mr. Steve Boese.
Employee engagement and recognition, company culture, cloud computing, HR data management, talent analytics and integrated HR and talent acquisition and management systems continue to be hot trends in the HR tech space, not to mention social collaboration and video (from recruitment to onboarding to core talent management).
And a better user experience to boot is what it’s all about today. There’s a renaissance of new edge applications improving recruiting, learning and talent engagement, and HR buyers are more sophisticated that ever before.
And we have a bonus round. Our #TChat community members can get $600 off of the HR Tech Conference full rate (expires August 4). Pssst…the secret code is TW14 (case sensitive).
This year’s HR Technology Conference & Exposition is coming up fast (October 7-10), so join #TChat co-creators and hosts Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman as we learn more about the state of HR technology with this week’s guest: Steve Boese, a co-chair of Human Resource Executive’s HR Technology® Conference and a technology editor for LRP Publications.
Sneak Peek: The Hot HR Technology Trends of 2014
We spoke briefly with Scott Boese in our video preview to learn more about this week’s #TChat topic. Check out our YouTube Channel for the full video!
Related Reading:
Steve Boese: Which Tech Advice Is Good Advice? #SHRM14
John Sumser: Find The Thread In HR Technology
Meghan M. Biro: The Hot HR Technology Trends Of 2014
Stephanie Reyes: HR Technology – From Thought To Action
Trish McFarlane: HR Technology: Little Training, Big Regrets (KnowledgeGraphic)
Todd Raphael: More Alphas, More Betas, More Vegans In The Recruiting Technology Startup World
Sneak Peek: The Hot HR Technology Trends Of 2014
We hope you’ll join the #TChat conversation this week and share your questions, opinions and ideas with our guests and the TalentCulture Community.
#TChat Radio — Wed, July 23 — 7 pmET / 4 pm PT Tune-in to the #TChat Radio show Our hosts, Meghan M. Biro and Kevin W. Grossman talk with our guest Steve Boese.
Tune-in LIVE online this Wednesday!
#TChat Twitter Chat — Wed, July 23 — 7 pmET / 4 pm PT Immediately following the radio show, Meghan, Kevin and our guests will move to the #TChat Twitter stream, where we’ll continue the discussion with the entire TalentCulture community. Everyone with a Twitter account is invited to participate, as we gather for a dynamic live chat, focused on these related questions:
To get more World of Work goodness, please sign up for our newsletter, listen to our #TChat Radio Channel or sign up for our RSS feed.
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photo credit: Matthew Clark Photography & Design via photopin cc
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